The 2nd day of school however, Reese rode the bus to and from school and as I was kissing her goodbye before she boarded her bus, I said, JOKINGLY, "Ok, Boogie, see you after school, Don't get on the WRONG BUS - Hahaha" She laughed and boarded the bus...
Fast forward to 3:45pm...Rayna, Zeke and I walk across the street to the pick up spot on the corner and wait...and wait...and wait...the bus seems awfully late today...
And I start to panic a little...Was this a minimum day? Did I miss a call saying they got out at 1:30pm today and my Reese is sitting in the office waiting for me?
Then my cell phone RINGS...
Me: Hello???
Bus Manager: Hi, Mrs. Aaron?
Me: YES!!! Oh my goodness, was it a minimum day???!!!
Bus Manager: No, I'm afraid I put your daughter on the wrong bus...I'm SO SORRY
Me:.....(trying to remain calm)
Bus Manager: There was some discrepancy about which bus she should get on...her pass said she was supposed to go to the CDC (Child Development Center on base - afterschool care), but she said she was supposed to get on Bus #4. So, we sent her to the CDC because we knew she'd be fine there until we sorted this out.
Me: (a tiny bit annoyed, but more thankful that she's safe) Ok, I'm on my way.
Bus Manager: I'm SO sorry, this will never happen again! There are always a few blips at the beginning of the year.
So...I RACED back to the house, dropped Zeke off, and Rayna and I zoomed to the base's after school care center to pick up Reese.
When we got there, Reese was enjoying a snack with her friends from school and a bit bummed that I came to take her home.
Alls well that ends well. :-)
On the way home, Reese said, "Mommy, I TOLD them I was supposed to get on bus #4, but they didn't listen...and when I was on the bus to the CDC, I kept hearing your voice in the back of my head saying, "DON'T GET ON THE WRONG BUS"!
Hahaha - Well, Praise the Lord for keeping my baby...I know she's HIS baby too and I am grateful that when I'm not there, He is always there and I'm grateful that when I'm not there, my voice is still in the back of her head telling her what she should and shouldn't be doing!
Here are some pictures of Reese getting home on the RIGHT bus! Pretty fancy buses huh?