The Spanish dress up in very bloody costumes...mostly witches and whatnot. The little kids in our neighborhood also came to our house Trick or Treating on Halloween and actually said (in English) "Trick or Treat"... but I'm told they do this mostly because there have been Americans living in these homes for the last 30 years and that's just the custom here.
The base celebrated Halloween all week long. Many commands put up Haunted Houses (we visited Johann's group's house and Reese and Rayna were SO brave (before they went in) and neither of them made it more than 3 feet into the house before they were being carried (eyes closed, ears covered) through the maze and out the back door.
Rayna even grouched that she was going to "tell her Grampy that we TOOK her into the Haunted House"....sigh...I had to remind her that she WANTED to go in and that Grampy was DONE spanking me a LONG time ago! Hahaha
The girls did get to Trick or Treat on the base. Thursday, the MWR group hosted a "Little Munchkins Party" for the 10 and under set to come out and trick or treat in a group of homes known as Mimosa Plaza.
I just recycled old Halloween costumes...we love dress up around here so there was no shortage of options...
Reese decided to bring back her Wonder Woman outfit from 2 years ago (it was a little big then and its a little small now)...but she looked cute and it worked! Her costume was a big hit and many of the parents came up to me later to say Reese was their favorite costume!
Rayna wore a Belle gown and was just beautiful...I think she knew it too. :-)
On the base we saw lots of our friends and had a good time. There was music and LOTS of candy! Different groups dressed up in theme at each Trick or Treating station...
At the Red Cross station, McGruff the Police Dog greeted the girls by name!! (It was really our friend Mr. Alex!)
And now it's time to try some candy!!
I might have to invest in new costumes next year though...these girls are growing so fast!
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